Field and Goldberg, LLC is a boutique real estate law firm practicing exclusively in the areas of real estate taxation, real estate transactions, and real estate litigation.
Real Estate Transactions
Lawyers at Field and Goldberg assist clients in their real estate transactions by being practical and creative. Our lawyers focus in on those matters of a transaction that are important to our clients and resolve issues creatively. Unlike lawyers at other firms, lawyers at Field and Goldberg routinely utilize their broad experience and not only give legal advice, but business advice as well, which clients have greatly appreciated.
Field and Goldberg is able to provide assistance in every type of real estate transaction by negotiating, documenting and closing transactions. We represent purchasers, sellers, developers, and lenders with respect to multi-use office, commercial and residential properties, shopping centers, multifamily developments, and condominium de-conversions.
Our lawyers’ experience with real estate developers includes counseling developers of residential and office condominiums, preparing condominium declarations, disclosure documents, sales contracts and association by-laws, and providing and assisting in accomplishing the turn-over of control of the association by the developer to the unit owners. Field and Goldberg has represented clients who have developed large multi-use developments which have required the careful planning and preparation of complex declarations of cross-easements and covenants.
Field and Goldberg has a deservedly excellent reputation in the area of sophisticated financing transactions. As lender’s counsel, we represent major real estate institutional lenders, including banks and unregulated credit providers. Our lawyers have broad experience in assisting in the negotiation of loan transactions and in documenting and bringing them to a successful close. Our lawyers pride themselves that, in their role as counsel to lenders, they have often been successful in assisting borrowers to solve title and other problems so that the financing can be satisfactorily concluded.
Field and Goldberg lawyers have expertise in complex loan transactions for land acquisition, development and construction. We have also represented lenders who have participated in projects directly as equity holders or through other sophisticated participations based on performance. Our lawyers have assisted in the structure of, and have documented and closed, loans for shopping centers, including the resolution of problems inherent in ground leases, cross-easements and separate ownership; multi-family and single family residential projects; industrial buildings and industrial parks; and leasehold financing arrangements. Our lawyers have coordinated simultaneous, multistate closings, using local counsel in other states and out-of-state title companies, where multiple properties are security for a single loan.
The knowledge and experience of our lawyers is available to those of our clients who are borrowers as well. All of the skills gained on one side of a financing transaction provide insights which are invaluable in counseling clients on the other side of transactions of the same or similar type.
Commercial Leases
Field and Goldberg’s expertise extends to an extensive leasing practice, representing both landlords and tenants, primarily in the commercial (office buildings and shopping centers) and industrial areas. In each type of transaction, our lawyers provide strong, efficient legal services to owners in the operation and management of their properties.
Our experience lends itself very well to resolving disputes involving commercial leases. “Real estate” lawyers, who traditionally handle these disputes up to the point of a lawsuit, generally have little, if any, litigation experience and are not necessarily able to appreciate from the beginning how to define issues and conduct negotiations to create a favorable position. Field and Goldberg’s expertise in all aspects of real estate (transactional and litigation) provides an excellent opportunity for resolving a dispute without litigation.
Mortgage Foreclosures and Workouts
Our lawyers have significant experience and skills that allow them to guide our clients through the technical maze of a foreclosure proceeding on all types of commercial developments, including shopping centers, office buildings, industrial sites, subdivisions, apartments and hotels. With transactional and litigation expertise, we can instantly recognize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of mortgage documents, and move swiftly for interim relief (i.e. , a receiver) where appropriate. Lawyers at our firm have built a national reputation in guiding lenders, receivers and borrowers to successful resolutions of their disputes.
Real Estate Litigation
Litigation concerning interests in real estate — whether our client is the owner, mortgagee, easement holder, or other party — often involves complex and technical issues of property law. Experienced real estate lawyers deal with these issues on a daily basis. However, “litigators” — who do not have experience in real estate transactions and, therefore, cannot immediately appreciate the significance of facts as they are discovered — are at least one to two steps behind throughout the entire process. Our transactional expertise gives us the insight to assess the risks early on and to stay ahead at all phases of the dispute — to get the best possible resolution of our client’s case with or without a trial.